Sunday, December 26, 2010


This week me and the boys went hawking with my friend Lee and his boys and my boys and it was so cool!!!! This is what the hawk does from tree to tree following us waiting for a squirrel to show up.

This picture is of her going at the black squirel in front of her. I really like this picture with her legs down getting ready.

I was able to get some cool pics of her in the air!
Love the wing span!

Her feathers are awesome!

This is her with the squirel after she caught it in the tree.
She will bring it down and Lee takes it gives her a reward.
This is her reward, a mouse already dead.
She's looking right at me like what you looking at?
This is my friend Lee. He has trained this Harris hawk from a young age and she is now 4 and like a dog! She is very nice. You can pet her and she'll make noise at you if she wants your attention. I don't know if they're all like that, but Lee is amazing with his hawks, he has a gift. I think they have a better life with him than in the wild!

This is her hood, hand made by Lee.

This is a rare shot. Lee with his face right under her undoing her leg protector.
Look at the talons on that bird!

She displays her feathers beautifully. Thank you Lee!! It was a great time and can't wait to go again!