Monday, November 15, 2010

Every Girls Dream

Bowie turns 3!!!
Bowie loves horses... is it just natural in girls? She was born with this love!
Our friend Mary has a beautiful horse and let us come check him out!

This is where she keeps Max.

Bowie was so excited and a bit shy!

She warmed up and started to fall in love!

She fed him some carrots and he started to fall in love with her!

When she was up on him, she had such a HUGE smile! I have never seen her smile that big!

This picture shows how massive he is. I think he was 16 1/2 hands, that's HUGE!

They had a bond...

She took him for a walk.


There they are having a little talk.

A little more walking. Looking back making sure he could keep up with her. Finally something that can!

This shows his height!

This was too funny. She was very interested in what the "big thing" was under him!! LOL

Very happy 3 year old!

It was time to say goodbye. She said, "See you in 2 hours!"
They continued to stare at each other... Sad departure! She will miss you Max!
Love this wall!

The barn was so clean and huge! Beautiful place to keep a very important horse. This place reminded me of Flicka when they visit a stable of studs. What a site!
What a blessing we will remember forever! Thanks so much Mary!! Bowie was very blessed on her 3rd birthday!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Prayer Warrior Ceremony

Have you ever done a week of prayer? We just finished up one this week with the children and their best friends. If you would like to do one with your family here is what we did. Monday we gathered at our house and studied the Lords Prayer. We split the boys into pairs to pray. They prayed in all the rooms of our home for all the activities that go on in the rooms. Tuesday we prayed at our church. The boys had lists they had made of every family member and friends we could think of and prayed for them. They also prayed with their prayer partners all across the church for people where they sit in the pews. On Wednesday we gathered at my friends house and studied the power of prayer and how to listen while we pray. Then prayed throughout her home. Thursday we gathered at a park. We had a scavenger hunt where they had to find things in nature that reminded them about Jesus. We then had a prayer walk where we talked to God out loud. We also had play time where we invited Jesus to play and run races with us. Through out the week the boys made prayer pillows to kneel on while praying. We ended the week with a Prayer Warrior Ceremony. Here is what it looked like.

These were scrolls that we made up for them. They said, On this the 5th day of November, I knight you prayer warriors for the King of Kings. We added in their new names.

Sir Kasey the Brave was to be the first to be knighted by his father. He knelt on his prayer pillow and held his own sword (his bible) while Troy knighted him with a real sword! Very special!

They loved being tapped on the shoulder with a real sword.

This is Colter receiving his certificate.

Sir Colter the Noble being knighted by his father.

Proudly displaying his sword, prayer pillow and certificate.

Isaac kneeling on his prayer pillow with his sword.

Sir Isaac the Loyal being knighted by his father.

Grayson holding tight to his sword and kneeling on his prayer pillow.

Sir Grayson the Honorable being knighted by his father.

Wyatt was the last to get knighted as a prayer warrior. Here he is kneeling on his prayer pillow with his sword.

Sir Wyatt the Patient being knighted by his father.

The boys had been praying all week long for huge lists of people (you were on the list). At the end of the night they were able to put their lists into the fire and watch the smoke rise into Heaven to Jesus. This was very cool, we all did some writing of our own and added to the fire. Then they started with their first mission. Our friend Mary is very sick and in a lot of pain they had been praying for her all week. They all got to lay hands on her and pray for her. She was blessed to tears.
Our theme song for the week...
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear.
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.
Us adults thought this was going to be a moving week for the children (which they were) but I do believe it was our hearts that were touched in a bigger way! What a blessing!

Adventist Heritage Village

These were the maps at the welcome center. I know there are other places that have these but I had never seen it. This is all the Adventist Churches in the USA. The Small pins are churches the large ones are Adventist Hospitals or Collages.

This is the World Map with the same meanings. I was amazed at what a world wide church we attend! Very cool!

We had a beautiful Sabbath day at the Adventist Heritage Village. The fall colors were in peek!

The first stop was the Kellogg Discovery Center. This is Mr. Kellogg, yes Kellogg breakfast cereal! He also was a well known Adventist Dr. also.

He invented lots of exercises equipment. This is his Camel Rider.

This one may look a bit familiar.

Here is a pic of me and Ellen White.

This is one of his therapeutic beds. Looks a bit like a tanning bed.

Here is the same thing only the sit down version.

All the children sat on this and got to feel the vibration on all parts of body. This was to improve circulation, relaxes muscles and sooths nerves.

Here is the first Adventist Schoolhouse. Wyatt is sitting in an actual desk.

I love this picture. This little girl was from Brazil. In our group tour we had people from Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the US. We all sang at the end in our own language, beautiful worship from people all around the world. Sometimes we feel so small in this life and to worship with people from other parts of the World makes you realize how big Gods love is!

Little Marie learning away!

This is the first Adventist Church in Michigan. This was a nice and short pulpit, ever Bowie could peek over the top. I also love the Law of God on the wall.

This was the actual home of James and Ellen White when they lived in Michigan.

This is Pastor Kevin and Cindy from the Allegan Church. They came along with us and blessed our family big time! They are moving to the Jackson Church and we will miss them SOOO MUCH!!!

This is where the White family is all buried. James and Ellen had 6 children. They had a son that died at 3 months of age and was buried here first. Then they lost a son at the age of 16 from pneumonia. Before he died he requested to be buried here next to his baby brother. He believed that Jesus was coming so soon that all his family would be alive to see Jesus come again and he did not want his brother to be alone at the resurrection! What a great story of brotherly love!

Very simple stones. Dr. Kellogg and Mr. Post were also buried near there with HUGE stones.