Monday, November 15, 2010

Every Girls Dream

Bowie turns 3!!!
Bowie loves horses... is it just natural in girls? She was born with this love!
Our friend Mary has a beautiful horse and let us come check him out!

This is where she keeps Max.

Bowie was so excited and a bit shy!

She warmed up and started to fall in love!

She fed him some carrots and he started to fall in love with her!

When she was up on him, she had such a HUGE smile! I have never seen her smile that big!

This picture shows how massive he is. I think he was 16 1/2 hands, that's HUGE!

They had a bond...

She took him for a walk.


There they are having a little talk.

A little more walking. Looking back making sure he could keep up with her. Finally something that can!

This shows his height!

This was too funny. She was very interested in what the "big thing" was under him!! LOL

Very happy 3 year old!

It was time to say goodbye. She said, "See you in 2 hours!"
They continued to stare at each other... Sad departure! She will miss you Max!
Love this wall!

The barn was so clean and huge! Beautiful place to keep a very important horse. This place reminded me of Flicka when they visit a stable of studs. What a site!
What a blessing we will remember forever! Thanks so much Mary!! Bowie was very blessed on her 3rd birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of bowie!! She looked like she was in heaven
