Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our night at the beach

We have been wanting to visit the beach with our children and our new camera for a few weeks now. Saturday night just happen to work our for us, and boy were we blessed with perfect weather, gorgeous sunsets and lots of fun. This boy here is not ours! He was a street performer... I guess it has been a while since we have been to Grand Haven! He is 12 years old and plays the guitar, harmonica and sings. He said he started lessons at 5 years old.

This is how the night began. Perfect skies and calm waters.

This is our almost 12 year old son. If you know any 12 year right now you can relate with how we feel! When you are 12 you have the world all figured out. You are filled with so many dream of what you will be and how your life will play out. Also along with that comes a bit of independence. Your parents don't quite understand you and your siblings are out to get you! This age is such a turning point for many children. Our prayer is that the Lord will grab hold of his heart and that Kasey will never turn from following Him.

On the other end of the spectrum is our sweet Marie. Still melts right in your arms. What a joy from our oldest right down to our youngest!

Another glimpse of me NOT behind the camera!

This was a fun shot! We had lots of people passing by Oohing and Ahhing!

There is something special and romantic about the Pier... I was raised as a boater, so we saw many sunsets from the boat. All those with out a boat must keep there feet on land to see the sunset. When your reach the end of the Pier you feel as if you have left the land.

We make a trip to the end yearly. I hope to also go again with out the children, for a night alone with hubby!

Just as we were stepping off the pier a "flying go-cart" came over. Now my boys love to ride go-carts and even they did not think that was safe!

As the sun was sinking into its resting place it became even more beautiful! What a wonderful Creator we have. So many things in nature to gaze and wonder at

It was time to kick off our shoes and have some fun in the sand.

This was the best pic I could get in this great spot...

Now for some fun shots of me and hubby. Kasey was manning the camera while Isaac held Marie. What I love most about this picture is not the lovely lady in the background. Its my hubbies eyes! He has the most beautiful eyes on the planet! In high school I had went to an acquittance's house and on her mirror in her bedroom was a picture of someones eyes. Now with one look I knew they were Troy's. He never knew that she had that picture in her bedroom. My guess is there were a few other people out there who love his eyes like I do.

Kasey even captured a kiss!

I don't really like this picture... Just had to show you that, that lady, she was there the entire time!!! Aghh

It just got better and better.

Isaac and Marie



This girl has more fun and spark in her life than any other child I know!

These pictures capture her true self.

Are you headed out there yet? Who would not want to see this!

Very fun for us to sit and gaze at this! These are our blessings! I truly know how blessed we are!

Nothing but fun!

This is not the best pic... But its are rare shot! I will leave it at that.

Marie enjoying the sand.

Even the taste of it!

How beautiful is the pier at night?!?

Missy how do I avoid the dots on top? I need to do some studying on night photography!

This was a freighter that came in as it got dark. You would think we were in the Keys with the Cruise Ships! It was a beautiful site. I am thankful it was night time.

Off to Church...

Friday, July 16, 2010

President in Town!

Did you see a few of these around Holland yesterday? Every street you turned has at least 1 blocking, watching, or patrolling.

If you were lucky enough to be by Tulip City Airport you might have even seen these! Yes there were 2! Which one was the President in? No one knew....

This Michigan State Police helicopter could be seen hovering over the entire time!

Lots of Secret Service Men lined the streets. The first of the motorcade was the police on motorcycles.

It was followed by about 8 of these bad boys! Which one escorted the President? No one knows...

I don't think it was this one!
He does not look like a guy you would want after you!

This guy was watching. If you have never felt like someone is watching your every move, make your way toward the President!

This was 1 of 3 US marine Core helicopters standing by at the airport.

The President made his quick speech here and was back on his way again.

This was the scene at the airport, when all the black suburbans came rolling through.

Here sat the 2 United States of America helicopters waiting for the President and large crew to return, and head back to the GR Airport.

These were that last to leave. They made their circle around and headed off!
What an ordeal it was. Perfect flow and harmony with so many people and vehicles. It all looked as though it was rehearsed a hundred times. This was a big day for Holland, and my hubby was not going to miss it! The only picture we are missing is him standing on top of his van, to capture these awesome pics! Thanks so much! You did a great job! I only wish it could have been sunny!

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tea Party

There are moments in my life I never thought would happen. Today was another one. I had/held my first tea party. Now I am not girlie, nor never have been lady like. Today I invited my beautiful daughter to her first tea party. Now to make this tea party even more special in my eyes, it was sipped from my Grandmothers china.
Isabelle (Bowie) was a wonderful guest at our tea party. Although there was no actual tea, we had plenty of hot lemon water. Great for cleansing the body!

Our beautiful rose bud china.

One happy smiling girl!

Fresh squeezed lemons!

And we were off to our own little Paradise.

Most people believe that after 3 boys you would be almost begging to have a girl join your family. For me that was never the case. Boys were what we knew, and probably the thought of changing to girlie things scared me. After today's breath of fresh air with my daughter, I am thankful God blessed me with girls.

I have a new task at had, teach them to be ladies. Ladies are something rare these days. Yes there are lots of women with plenty of purses, jewelry and shoes. I mean true ladies, with a respect and reverence in there spirit.

There was fun and some silliness. It soon became a complete joy for us both. So there will be a next time!

Most of you know Bowie. Today she was my little Isabelle.