Monday, September 6, 2010

Tent Meetings

Our whole family spent the last 3 weeks under this tent each night. What a wonderful time we all had. Troy and I both were touched night after night. We have made steps back to God we have needed to make for a while now. God is so patient with us, but when the Holy Spirit comes upon your heart you can not help but surrender! Kasey and Isaac have grown and discovered what it means to love and follow Jesus for themselves. The transformation of both the boys has been amazing in just 3 small weeks. Wyatt and Isabelle found some new friends. Isabelle even found a new favorite word, she would say "amen" to encourage the speaker after a scripture! Little Marie did great night after night.

She helped keep the tent up lots of nights! :)

Bowie has become such a girl lately! This is her pouting face, to "try" to get her way.

This was our eight legged friend one night. "It might have been Satan in disguise!"

He sure is beautiful, in a scary way!

We are so thankful for all the time, devotion, money and work that went into these meeting. We pray you are blessed for your service.

This is my new beautiful friend. She has such a passion for the Lord. Not to mention she is a home school graduate!

There was a baptism at the end of the service. We are so excited for our boys baptism coming soon!

Our sins are buried and we are raised in newness of life!

Thank you Lord for divinely putting us under that tent night after night! To you be the Glory!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for a pouting face to use for a "meme" I want to make, & I found your Bowie on Google Images. I couldn't believe what I read when I came here to the original page. You'll see what I mean when you read what I intend to paste with the picture:

    I tend to take things personally. The military, for example. When I see someone in uniform, I think not only that he is serving his country but also that he is willing to risk his life for ME. I always go up to people I see in uniform & thank them.
    When I hear arguments for free college, I tell the person that no way am I teaching students out of the goodness of my heart. Those freebie people think of the big picture, as if a whole group of people (i.e., all the taxpayers, which by no means is the whole country) paying for THEIR education (or food or cigarettes), but if you bring it down to the individual level, they can’t say, Yes, I think you should teach me (buy my food, buy my cigarettes) for free. I wish we could force people like that to think on the individual level.
    I think one reason that I think that way is that I see Jesus that way. Yes, Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. But when I think of Jesus, I think of how He died for ME, for MY sins so that *I* can go to heaven. I might love Him for dying for the whole world, but looking at myself & my sin & filth & unworthiness & thinking of the wretched, humiliating, excruciatingly painful death that He suffered for ME—that REALLY makes me love Him.
    Thinking in terms of “me” isn’t always a bad thing.
